I happen to count myself among those who believe that a handwritten note goes a long way…today more than ever!
There are many reasons, but most importantly, a handwritten note conveys a sense of importance. It’s easy to send an email or text to acknowledge the individual who has extended his- or herself for a meeting, a referral or another gracious act.

While such acknowledgement may be appreciated, it’s easily forgotten.
A handwritten note says, “I care enough to take extra time and effort…for you.”

What’s even more impactful is a note that adds an element of personal branding!

A number of my clients have made the connection between branding their business and branding themselves. They’ve gone the extra step to send personalized, branded stationary that makes their handwritten notes POP! The notes they send hold a greater sense of value for the recipient – and they’re kept, not easily discarded, because they’re impressive and attractive.

The embedded image is an example of one that I recently completed for a client who’s an executive for a computer software company in Manhattan. She tells me that every time she sends one of these notes, she gets a call or a thank you from the recipient.

If you’re looking for a creative way to make a bigger impression – and to separate your business and yourself from the crowd – contact me about creating your own personalized cards.
You deserve it!